Conference Praise Band
This is your opportunity to play with an auditioned team of musicians. Auditions are scheduled for Thursday afternoon, opening day of Worship Expo. This team will rehearse and play two selections as well as accompany the Conference Praise Team on two selections in the final worship celebration on Saturday Morning. Praise Band will consist of only rhythm players i.e. keyboard, drums, rhythm guitar, electric lead guitar, electric rhythm guitar, and bass guitar. After players are auditioned and selected, we ask that all other players join the Conference Orchestra.
Cliff Duren
Cliff Duren is the Music and Worship Associate Minister at Brentwood Baptist Church in Brentwood, TN. From 2006-2012, Cliff served as the Staff Arranger at First Baptist Church Woodstock in Woodstock, GA where he led worship for the contemporary service and played piano for the blended service with choir and orchestra.
Cliff arranges, orchestrates, and produces music resources for various publishers while also producing various artist recordings. He is very grateful for this opportunity to fulfill his passion of creating resources for the local church.
Cliff became a Christian at age seventeen and soon after pursued a music education degree from Shorter University in Rome, GA and a masters degree in church music from Lee University in Cleveland, TN. In the past 7 years, he has been nominated for 6 Dove Awards. In 2014, Cliff released his first instrumental record, “Tune My Heart: Hymns of Worship Featuring Piano and Orchestra. In March of 2002, Cliff married his college sweetheart, April. The Duren’s reside in Franklin, TN with their four children; Mac, Sydney, Elijah and Emma Kate.
Playing Well With Others - In this session, we’ll discuss both the spiritual and technical side of preparing for your role as a worship band member. (Thursday, 2:30 p.m., Friday, 8:45 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.) LEADER, Cliff Duren / B-218