Keyboard Specialists

Who’s supposed to be playing the accompaniment?  Where does the piano play?  Questions every pianist and keyboardist have asked.  This track will bring clarity to today’s most common questions regarding the use of piano and keyboards in a rhythm driven worship world.


Mark Bovee

Mark T. Bovee has over twenty-five years of experience in the music industry as a keyboard player, arranger, orchestrator, producer, worship leader and music engraver. He is comfortable in all styles of music, having taken classical and jazz lessons as well as playing in rock, jazz, and country groups.  He has a heart to encourage and equip musicians towards excellence and to pastor and prepare his students or team for ministry as authentic and effective worship leaders. Mark is able to challenge people in a way that builds up instead of tears down, celebrating each individual’s unique gifting and focus. Mark has been married to his wife, Christi, for 25 years and they currently live in the mountains of Colorado with their two youngest children, Noelle(13) and Nathaniel(11). Mark and Christi have had a ministry to artists for eight years called Greenhouse Arts. Their desire is to see the arts embraced by the Church as viable and effective worship of Christ. Mark and Christi believe that we all were created in the image of the Creator God, and through their Greenhouse Arts ministry they are able to encourage and draw out the creative in us all.

You Want Me to Play What?!It's five minutes before service when pastor makes a last minute song change in a style outside your comfort zone and strengths.  What do you do? In this workshop we will discuss: ways to simplify your playing when there are too many notes on the page; what to play when there are no notes on the page; ways the keyboard player "fits into" a rhythm section; break down the different styles of music to the basics, and how to navigate those differences effectively as a keyboard player in the church; and with 6 to 8 keyboards in the room we will be able to play for and learn from one another! (Thursday, 2:30 p.m., Friday, 8:45 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.) LEADER, Mark Bovee / C-221